Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept custom orders?

Yes! All custom orders can be sent to, by vising our “How to Order” page, or calling the store during business hours at 807-767-8867 for review by our baking team to see if we can accommodate.

Are your cupcakes nut free?

Our base recipe for our cakes and cupcakes are both peanut and tree nut free! We do have nut products on site so we can’t guarantee there is no cross-contamination. If we are alerted at the time of the order then we can ensure that your order is stored away from nut products and all precautions are made to ensure the risk in minimal.

Do I have to pre-order or can I just walk-in?

Pre-ordering is not necessary! We have hundreds of fresh baked cupcakes and a selection of display cakes for walk-in purchase. We suggest pre-ordering if you are looking for a specific flavour, colour, or design.

I sent an email and I haven’t received a reply?

It may take up to one business day for us to answer emails. If you haven’t heard a response after two business days, double check your junk mail, or give us a call!

How far in advance do I need to order?

For custom orders, we prefer a week’s notice but can generally do a minimum three business days turn-out.

For a basic assortment, you can order the day of or just come by and pick out your cupcakes!

Can I order a custom cake/cupcakes for today/tomorrow?

Custom orders can take a two day minimum so we advise against custom items on that much short notice. We recommend picking from items available that day.

Can I have 2 of “ this flavour” and 3 of “that flavour” as a pre-order?

No! We ask that all custom flavours be ordered in dozens! There is some leeway with chocolate, confetti, and vanilla as they are made daily. We try to accommodate all requests but know that these ones may be denied.

Is the menu planned in advance?

No! We make our menus daily so we don’t know what we will be making in advance. We try to build a varied selection daily based on custom requests, seasonality, rotating flavours, etc.